

Custom-made digital and e-learning solutions that take training to another level

Highly interactive & multimedia rich training for employees

E-learning is an ideal choice for organizations looking for a cost-effective training solution that can be delivered to trainees in various locations and in a format that appeals to today’s wired generation.
A key factor in learning effectiveness and retention is the extent of engagement achieved during the learning process. With the days of dull and static text-based programs in E-learning’s early phases long gone, modern programs have become highly interactive and fully engaging, with multimedia forming an integral part of the experience. They are particularly effective in today’s highly communicative and visual world and can be delivered across different platforms.

How we help

We create custom e-learning programs from existing presentations or dull training material to address specific learning requirements for huge number of employees. We also offer an e-learning platform (LMS) designed to deliver and manage e-learning courses for organizations.
Our custom e-learning programs are designed to deliver the needed employee training scalability and impact. Our aim is to help enhance the employee training process by stimulating the learners’ thinking, enhancing the learning effectiveness and introducing an interactive and fun element to the learning process. Using our extensive experience, we design interesting and engaging e-learning programs to assist organizations to transition to the digital era.

We offer engaging eLearning content development and interactive eLearning design services for organizations aiming to scale the learning process or cater to employees across various locations.


How we help organizations digitize their learning function


Using modern instructional design methodologies, we design engaging and practical e-learning courses to ensure higher learning retention and create informal learning experiences. We create storyboards that inspire the learner by using story telling approach, use cases and process-based learning. Our eLearning content is created by transforming existing client training material or content to highly interactive and easy to grasp learning content to fit different delivery methods (videos, interactive eLearning modules, social learning, etc…) and appeal to modern learners.


We design highly interactive and customized eLearning courses with different levels of interactivity, audio and visual effects to fit the client budget. We integrate the client’s visual identity and brand (colors, logo, etc..) and include variety of avatars, games and activities to engage the learner such as drag-and-drop, puzzles & word searches. Our eLearning modules can be hosted on the client’s LMS, intranet or website and can be viewed from any device. Our custom e-learning programs give instant feedback and allow learners to adapt their approach and learn from mistakes by offering experiential challenges and journeys.


Learning videos are an engaging way to train employees on organizational processes or how to act in specific scenarios. Learning videos are useful for communicating learning concepts that require visual representation, a more personal tone or dynamic format. They can also be used as a peer-to-peer learning tool with ‘expert’ employees chosen to share knowledge and experience with their colleagues. Through our script/content development and production services in live action and animation, we help you create training videos that deliver employee training with high impact.


The social revolution of the last decade has played a key role in shaping workplace learning today. The prolific use of social media is the main driving force behind the relatively new concept of Social Learning, which integrates social features into workplace learning through a learning management system environment. We provide you with online learning tool to deliver micro-learning and use points, badges, forums and leader boards to motivate and engage employees to learn more, publish latest content, track learning and encourage employees to share their knowledge and insights.


We provide an e-learning platform to host online courses, enable gamification of learning, and allow social learning. our custom e-learning platform facilitates the management of online learning, automates enrolment and invitations to eLearning courses, generates completion certification, and easily integrates with third part solutions. It provides ROI analysis on increase in learning across the organization and allows generation of reports easily and instantaneously.


Simulations in learning applies game design techniques to E-learning programs, engaging and motivating learners by rewarding them for accomplishing desired tasks. Our learning games create an informal learning environment that allow employees to deal with realistic work situations and challenges and safely learn through trial and error, without any real repercussions.